So a while ago, I decided to order some organic ramen on Amazon. The brand I got was KOYO, and I am so happy with the ramen. I honestly didn’t want to buy the regular ramen noodles because of the…
Author: Susanna
I always love fluffy white gluten-free pancakes, that taste so freaking rich and delicious. I am excited this worked out as great as a standard one that I used to make before. I do realize that gluten-free flour is different,…
Lately, I have seen a lot of creamy cauliflower sauces for pasta, and I thought, hey I always wanted to make a vegan Mac and Cheese, so why not try it with cauliflower? Luckily, I had the right pasta. I…
Today I had a lot of emailing kinds of stuff to do and didn’t prepare much to cook my dish. So I wanted to make something fast, even though this wasn’t exactly fast but it was easier than some things…
If you ever have gone to the Chinese restaurant which serves General Tso’s deep fried chicken with sweet sauce, then you should get the idea of this recipe. I’ve always been fascinated with how do people make these sauces that…
This was a little bit of gambling but became a huge success. I actually was so nervous making this since I have never eaten a Shepherd’s pie before. I only just recently heard of it, so making this recipe was…
I must admit these were so not what I had in mind, these are not purple buns, but they turned out amazing. The first idea that came in my mind that I used a purple sweet potato, but I totally…